Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice(MOViE MOViE: Life is Art 2019)
Opening on 12-09-2019
85 minutes
Cantonese, English, Icelandic(In Parts)(Chinese, English Subtitles)
“Bliss is a state of supreme happiness that everyone consciously or unconsciously strives for.”
FINDING BLISS: FIRE AND ICE is a documentary about simplicity and therapy through dualities. An inspiring group of Hong Kong urban legends travel halfway across the world to Iceland (the land of Fire and Ice) to search for and understand more about what bliss is. Through two extremely diverse cultures and peoples we hope to find a balance and catch a glimpse of how to start living a blissful life. This is hydrotherapy for the soul!
12 Sept 2019 (Thur) 9:55pm MOViE MOViE Cityplaza with closing party & performance (9:00pm)*
*Guests:Josie & The Uni Boys, Lo Jim @ LMF
13 Sept 2019 (Fri) 8:00pm Broadway Cinematheque 1/F with post-screening sharing (60 mins)*
*Guests:Josie Ho, Conroy Chan
Kim Chan, Dee Lam Cast |
Josie Ho, Jim Chim, MC Yan |
* = Special first show concession tickets available for senior citizens

Finding Bliss: Fire and Ice(MOViE MOViE: Life is Art 2019)
Opening on 12-09-2019
85 minutes
Cantonese, English, Icelandic(In Parts)(Chinese, English Subtitles)
“Bliss is a state of supreme happiness that everyone consciously or unconsciously strives for.”
FINDING BLISS: FIRE AND ICE is a documentary about simplicity and therapy through dualities. An inspiring group of Hong Kong urban legends travel halfway across the world to Iceland (the land of Fire and Ice) to search for and understand more about what bliss is. Through two extremely diverse cultures and peoples we hope to find a balance and catch a glimpse of how to start living a blissful life. This is hydrotherapy for the soul!
12 Sept 2019 (Thur) 9:55pm MOViE MOViE Cityplaza with closing party & performance (9:00pm)*
*Guests:Josie & The Uni Boys, Lo Jim @ LMF
13 Sept 2019 (Fri) 8:00pm Broadway Cinematheque 1/F with post-screening sharing (60 mins)*
*Guests:Josie Ho, Conroy Chan
Kim Chan, Dee Lam Cast
Josie Ho, Jim Chim, MC Yan
* = Special first show concession tickets available for senior citizens